What is MICC WeB?

Model International Criminal Court is a successful Kreisau Initiative project that has been running for 15 years. The workshops in MICC are designed according to the needs of the young participants. Trainers apply methods of non-formal education which are participatory and learner-centered.

While ice-breaking activities create an initial comfortable and open atmosphere, participants go into more depth by sharing experiences from their home countries and connecting through their similarities and differences. Intercultural dialogues allow them to see and experience each other as equal, a first step in preventing prejudice, racism and exclusion. MICC simulates cases and verdicts related to the International Criminal Tribunal for former Yugoslavia (Erdemović case), as well as verdicts from the International Criminal Court for Rwanda (Bikindi case) and the famous Nuremberg trials (Flick), which preceded the establishment of the International Criminal Court.

First phase of the project (2014 – 2015):

  • 36 connected schools
  • 6 high school sessions
  • 3 university sessions

The innovative approach of the MICC WeB project is rooted in discovering synergies between diversity-conscious learning and human rights education, as well as developing approaches for achieving all three dimensions of humanrights and civic education – cognitive, emotional, and empowerment. Participant testimonials recurrently conclude that the MICC WeB session was a “transformative experience” for them, one in which the educational content, as well as meeting peers from neighboring countries/different ethnic or religious backgrounds enhanced their understanding about the 1990s conflicts, and empowered them to reject divisive political nationalism.

The MICC WeB project serves as a safe opening for discussion on difficult subjects, in a non-confrontational way. By doing so, the participants, trainers and teachers are sensitized to discussing the subject openly, and the project serves to raise awareness about the importance of justice after wars, different mechanisms of arriving to it, and the importance of upholding human rights. In an ideal society, all the conflicts would be aired out and diffused through dialogue and discussion, and not by blame and sweeping difficult issues under the carpet.

Some of the MICC WeB key objectives, since its kick off to this day, have been:


Making young people sensitive to human rights and their protection, by teaching mechanisms of protection: the equality of all people before the law, the principle of individual responsibility for violations of rights, the right to a free and fair trial, the meaning of tolerance in liberal societies governed by the rule of law.


Deconstructing social stereotypes and prejudices through critical assessment: students exchange views with each other and learn what happens when beliefs are questioned and challenged.


Emphasizing the commonalities of former Yugoslavia ethnic groups/cultures – by using integrative measures and multinational teams, project inspires uninhibited conversation and facilitates understanding among participants.


Opening up discussion on difficult subjects from the region’s recent history, empowering participants to become mediators and agents of change through dialogue, debates and discussions in schools, universities, families and communities.